Thursday, February 28, 2013

Finally!! Why I can't wait to shoot my Fuji X-E1

Ugh I can't stand to not have a camera around. I ditched my Leica M8 about 6 months ago when I got a job working with a fashion photographer in Los Angeles. I loved my M8, but figured I needed something a little more versatile for my work out there, so I picked up a Nikon D800. Brilliant camera. Amazing dynamic range. Huge resolution.

And hugely uninspiring. And just plain HUGE! I simply never wanted to have it with me. And for me, that's everything. Photography has been a journey and I feel like I'm coming around to what I feel passionate about - and that's documentary photography centering around people. I like to tell stories. I like for the world to have a chance to see things the way that I see them. Its a form of communication to me. The D800? It never spoke to me. Small cameras - we get each other. They allow me to blend in and just see.

Hopefully it'll be waiting for me at the office today. I'll have some images up tomorrow and I'll discuss how it feels to shoot this little guy. Can't wait!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The Fuji was backordered....looks like it'll be the end of the week! On the positive side of things - I did score an amazing deal on a Fuji XF 18mm f/2 on eBay! $370 shipped! Can't wait to try it out...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Looking like Wednesday...

I can't wait to get my hands on my new Fuji X-E1. Some people may think I'm nuts for switching from a D800 to an APS-C camera, but to me, having a camera on me is more important than ultimate image quality. And there's something about analog - perhaps its the inherent imperfection, I don't know - that I just dig.

I'll have a full report by Friday. Can't wait!

Friday, February 22, 2013


If you happen to stumble upon this...check out my site!

Here comes my new Fuji X-E1...a modern M8?!

We'll see... I loved my M8. If I like this camera half as much - I'll be happy.

So I finally decided to move back to a smaller, cheaper camera. Which means more photos...looking forward to posting some new images!